3 Ekim 2012 Çarşamba
Existential Migration: Feeling at Home as the Foreigner
I could tell it was time to move on. Eight years I had spent working for the same company. It had been good for both me and them, but times were changing. My boss and mentor had been let go, and the business focus of my department was shifting away from my core skill set. I needed to find something new to do.
This is the position I found myself in during the first few months of 2008. I thought about what I wanted to do next, and came up with a number of options, including moving to another division, moving to another company, starting a new career, starting my own business or going back to school. I spent a month musing on my next move. One idea kept coming forward, getting stronger and stronger as the month progressed. In March, about two weeks before I finally made a final decision on what I would do, I decided to create a list of the options and my thoughts on what I should do next. For one of the options, I wrote the following:
I am part of a community of migrants across the globe, searching out situations where they are strangers in strange lands, all so they can feel at home.
Option: Quit job and move to London.
Analysis: Least sensible option, but for some reason this feels important to do.
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That’s exactly what I ended up doing. I moved to London without a job, a place to live or any friends, and I’ve spent the last year sometimes struggling and sometimes thriving as I found a job, made some friends and started to understand English culture. People would sometimes ask me why I did moved from Canada, and I would mumble something about “wanting international work experience” or “hoping to miss the recession by moving abroad,” but the truth was I couldn’t really explain the reason why I did it.
2 Ekim 2012 Salı
Almond Butter Tip
If you follow me on Twitter, you’ve probably noticed that I regularly post tips about how I promote wellness in my own life. When putting together my “tip tweets”, I try to share information that is practical in nature. One example is the way I sometimes use almond butter as a meal replacement.
I’ve noticed that many of my clients find it difficult to make time for breakfast. In certain instances, it’s a matter of lacking appetite so early in the day. For others, making a healthy breakfast just doesn’t fit into their morning routine. In any event, there is value in eating something nutritious at the start of the day, and a few tablespoons of almond butter is a simple option worthy of consideration.
1 Ekim 2012 Pazartesi
Healthier Cola Alternatives
Most health conscious consumers know that soft drinks such Coca Cola and Pepsi Cola aren’t exactly healthy. Even the diet, sugar-free versions of these beverages are loaded with questionable ingredients. Nonetheless, if sales are any indication, a significant percentage of the population isn’t terribly concerned about the implications of drinking cola on a regular basis. This is, in part, due to the caffeine content. Taste is also a factor. However, not everyone knows that there are delicious, natural alternatives to conventional colas that provide a similar “kick” without the artificial ingredients.
One of more disconcerting consequences of frequent cola consumption is its effect on bone mineral density (BMD). According to an analysis in the October 2006 issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, daily cola intake contributes to lower BMD due to an alteration in the dietary calcium to phosphorous ratio.
The Daniel Fast
In recent years, a short term diet known as The Daniel Fast has made several appearances in the medical literature. Currently, there are best selling books, courses and even retreats that assist religious and non-religious dieters in following the tenants of this Biblically-inspired program. The duration of the diet, as commonly practiced and studied, is slightly shorter (21 days) than other forms of religiously-based dietary restriction such as Ramadan fasting (28 to 30 days). Thus far, the results reported in various scientific journals have been relatively encouraging. However, there appears to be at least one caveat that has not yet been successfully resolved. The Daniel Fast lowers HDL (“good”) cholesterol.
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Healthier Cranberry Juice
Last week a slew of studies were presented at the American Heart Association’s High Blood Pressure Research 2012 Scientific Sessions. Among them, was a trial funded by Ocean Spray Cranberries, Inc. – a leading manufacturer of cranberry juice. The details of the study reveal that the daily consumption of “low calorie” cranberry juice moderately reduces blood pressure (by about 3 mmHg diastolic and systolic) as compared to a placebo beverage. But, before you go out to the market to stock up on low-cal cranberry “cocktails”, consider the details that weren’t included in the mainstream press converge.
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What are the Causes of Fever and Its Prevention?
Fever is rise of body temperature above that of normal range of body temperature. hd porn Normal body temperature can range from 36.1-37.2 degree Centigrade. The normal body temperature is generally in the lower side of the normal range and higher side during late afternoon and evening. During vigorous physical exercise body temperature may rise above that of 37.2 degree Centigrade (highest normal body temperature), but it should not be considered fever as there is no pathology involved. Fever generally involves pathological involvement.
Fever can be caused by several factors/agents.
Symptoms of Mesothelioma
Mesothelioma is a form of cancer that affects nearly 2000 people in the UK each year. Most commonly caused by asbestos exposure, Mesothelioma restricts the movement of the heart and lungs by attacking the Mesothelium (the protective membrane layer covering internal organs). Mesothelioma is a terminal, slow-wearing form of cancer that usually presents itself 20 to 50 years following asbestos exposure – although it can develop at a quicker rate if the sufferer has been exposed to greater quantities of asbestos.
Mesothelioma Symptoms
Identifying Mesothelioma is notoriously difficult, largely due to it sharing symptoms with a wide-range of other illnesses and ailments – many of which are much less serious.
There are two types of Mesothelioma – sex Pleural Mesothelioma and Peritoneal Mesothelioma. Typical Pleural Mesothelioma symptoms include a cough, shortness of breath and chest pain – all of which may seem quite innocuous; whilst Peritoneal Mesothelioma can result in sufferers losing weight, having ascites pain and abdominal swelling.
Six Hangover Home Remedies
Ginger tea:
Ginger tea can alleviate hangover, other than its medicinal properties cough, cold, nausea etc. Ginger tea can reduce hangover headache (especially the head splitting type of hangover headache), helps in digesting alcohol and prevent stomach cramps associated with excess alcohol intake. Next time you get a hangover, try ginger tea.
Orange juice: porn
This is one of the commonly used hangover home remedies. The water content of orange juice is useful for rapid rehydration (dehydration is one of the causes of hangover) and vitamin C present in orange juice is helpful in alleviating nausea. Take orange juice if you get a hangover.
How Important Are Dentures?
What kinds of dentures are available in the market?
There are a variety of cosmetic dentures available depending on a person’s clinical circumstances.Partial removable dentures are used when patients lose a few of their teeth yet have several of them left. For partial dentures the Anchorage dentures specialists first analyze the patient’s oral health and take measurements. In the subsequent visit, a metal frame of the denture is tied into place to make sure it fits properly. Depending on the complexity of the case and the dentist’s personal preference, it’s possible that the patient is given a partial denture, ready to be worn, in the third appointment itself. Partial dentures are useful not just because they substitute missing projections, but they also help in preventing the remaining teeth from shifting into bad angles and positions.
Complete dentures, on the other hand, are units that are used when someone has lost the whole set. These appliances fix the wearer’s facial appearance and allow him/her to chew normally once again. However, the patient may take some time to get used to these artificial teeth. The dentist will also have to make several adjustments before the prosthetics feel right in the patient’s mouth.Instant or immediate dentures are appliances that are placed the very day the patient goes in for a visit. gay teen video These dentures are basically made to enhance esthetics.
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